Friday, August 21, 2009

Notre Dame

Wednesday, August 12th. Detroit and Henry Ford. Got up and ran with the boys down to the Detroit waterfront. Hot and humid. Big improvements made downtown here and two new stadiums, Ford Field and Tiger Stadium, were both impressive. Then we started the drive from Detroit to South Bend. Called Poppy and Kelly to wish them a happy birthday. Stopped off in Ann Arbor (on the way), where boys toured the impressive campus, saw the new business school, the law school, and rest of campus. As we left town we drove by the Michigan stadium (actually a huge bowl dug into the ground)….still reputed to be the largest in the US (102,000 capacity)….impressive, especially if you cheer for the maze and blue. Made it to South Bend by 630 pm, where the parents of Steve’s brother in law, the Cordills, were hosting us. After a gracious and delicious steak cook out, we were in bed, ready to tour ND the next day.
Thursday, August 13th. We visited the Notre Dame campus today, first time for the boys. It was sunny, hot, got into the low 90s in afternoon. Great campus….lots of new dorms and buildings since Eileen and Steve last saw campus 15 years ago. Boys loved it. Saw Golden Dome, Sacred Heart Basilica, Hammes Book Store. Campus is flat but handsome buildings and criss-crossing walkways make it a great walking experience. Sat thru an impromptu 1 hour admissions office video and presentation ….maybe a little premature but what the heck. Highlight of day was when Steve, Thomas and Pat “met” Jimmy Clausen outside the football team’s dining hall. Had dinner with our hosts, the Cordills at a local Italian legend, Bruno’s, in South Bend.

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