Friday, August 21, 2009

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Wednesday, August 19th We got up early in Buffalo, Wyoming, where we stayed at the Seven Gables Inn. We hit the road by 8 am, headed for Jackson Hole. Our original destination was the battlefield at Little Bighorn, in southern Montana, but we decided to pass on George Custer’s last battle. Instead, with everyone getting fatigued, we headed west for Jackson Hole, where Eileen’s high school friend, Karen Kerr Romaine, lives. We arrived into the Teton valley at about 5 pm, saw a grizzly from the main road, passed probably the prettiest mountain view in America, and then showed up at Karen’s house in town. That night, Karen invited us to join her and several friends for a “going away” cookout for Karen, who is in the process of moving to Dallas. The boys played with all the dogs and later cooked Smores over the fire. A beautiful, warm, windless night in Jackson.

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