Friday, July 17, 2009

Nashville, Tennesse

Today we drove all the way from Memphis to Nashville. We got up and left at around 11 am and got there at around four pm. We walked around the Tennessee Titans stadium. On the way driving up to Nashville, we stopped and met the Chairman and CEO of Bridgestone. He was very polite and nice. He was generous enough that he gave up two shirts a couple of hats and some golf balls. After we arrived we checked into our room. It was one of those open courtyard hotels so you could look all the way down to the lobby from the top floor. Our parents then headed out to the town and we ordered some pizza and played some Xbox. When they got back, Dad, Patrick and I went down to the pool and played tackle the ball carrier, who was Patrick and my dad blocked for him. Then we headed up to our rooms and went to bed

Nana and Poppop's house

Today we just woke up from a very mountainous hotel, we woke up and it wasn't the greatest hotel ever. The room was small and the beds were not so good. When we got to breakfast, we had sort of a funny experience. The clerk at the front desk told my Dad that we could probably get our "thirteen year old" (ie, Thomas, me...even though i just turned 14) as a 12 year old (all kids 12 and under were free). He didn't realize just how big i was (i was still in the room when this happened).

Well, we tried to sneak me in as a twelve year old and because of my size, it wasn't flawless. The waitress remarked after taking my order, "Gosh you are one big twelve year old", obviously knowing i was older. My Dad, backpedaling, tried to cover up saying how big I was when i was a baby and one year old (ie, 30 lbs, which was the truth). The portions were small and the food wasnt even that good although patrick may have thought differently. But we decided the "12 yr old" strategy probably had seen its last.

After breakfast we drove over to the local Firestone repair shop where our tire repaired after running over a nail (we emailed Mr Emkes, the CEO, to tell him what a good job they did). After waiting for an hour, we set off for the road. We drove four hours to Nana and Pop pops house in Pinehurst, North Carolina, where everyone is friendly but where it was very hot and humid. We had a great dinner and the next day me and my grandfather played nine holes at a local course. I almost hit two birdies in a row but ended up parring one and birdieing the other. Then we had burgers and lamb for dinner and headed off to sleep.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Many Long Days

Day Two:
We arrived at Pat and Barbs today, were going to stay there for the night and tomarrow as well. We just got back from the Grenwood Springs Hot Springs. They smelled really bad because of all the Sulfur. They had a single and a double man slide like Emigrant Lake but a lot faster. When we were at the bottom of the slide waiting for my dad to slide down, you could hear him scream from the top of the slide. We all went off the diving board and my mom did some intence flips.
Day Four:
We just drove 11 long hours, we got up a 9:30 and arrived in Amarillo Texas at 10:32 pm Central Time. We tried to get some food at the Big Texan restaurant but the cowboys closed her up at exactly 10:30 at they only let us in so we could get a drink. While Dad pouted at the bar because he didn’t get a sit down dinner or his special free 72 oz steak Pat and I played the slot machines. We both got jackpots twice and If the coins were worth something we would be all wealthier. Too Bad.. The 72 oz steak is free if you eat it all within one hour, BY YOUR SELF good thing My dad coudnt try, he would be one sick dog.
Day Five:
We drove to Oklahoma and it was 107 F and we almost died. We had dinner with a couple that I met in Germany and it was a lot of fun. Then we went to Oklahoma city bombing memorial and it was really amazing. We tried to bring jackie in but that didnt fly with the chief security guard. Then stayed at a Sheraton and went to bed.
Medford to Salt Lake: 700 miles
Salt Lake to Glenwood Springs: 361
Glenwood Springs to Amarillo: 625 miles
Amarillo to Oklahoma city: 250 miles
Oklahoma to Little Rock Archensas: 332 miles

Today is my birthday!!!!! I woke up with a couple of cool golf shirts and a funny card. Then when i went downstairs for breakfast, Mom and Dad suprised me with a great Chocolate cake. We drove to memphis after a nice dinner at a Mexican resurant. We got there at 10:00 at night and stayed at an insane hotel that was sooo cool.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Day One Is Complete

Finally, Day One ended. Thirteen hours in the car wasn't the best ride but we're glad to be in Salt Lake City. We had traveled over Doherty Rim, which was as good as Bob Bluth and Ed Estel advertised, and we enjoyed driving through the spectacular open spaces of southwestern Oregon and northern Nevada. Salt Lake has a small town feel but with big town amenities like an NBA basketball team. Our dog, Jackie, is going great - our Rasisson is dog friendly and Jackie has done great in the car, with frequent stops. We're excited to visit Temple Square this morning before moving on to Glenwood Springs, Colorado. SLC

The O'Connells

Tuesday, July 7, 2009